
Our Experience

Perhaps because of the isolation and distance from other markets, Winslade Powergen have developed expertise in the full range of power generators from small petrol portables to multi set, automatic power stations.

Over 20,000 petrol and diesel portable generators have been manufactured, including versions for commercial, industrial, military and mining applications. Right at the other end of the spectrum, Winslade have installed, operated and maintained generators and power stations in Indonesia, Christmas Island, RAAF bases, mining operations and townships.

We understand that most “standard” power stations are not designed for plus 50°C ambients so we give special attention to cooling airflow to ensure our power stations do not overheat.

In the past 40 years Winslade Powergen has designed, installed and operated power generation equipment
in the extremes of Australian conditions. We have designed and manufactured aircraft ground power units suitable for ambient temperatures of -10°C through plus 60°C. These same units have special electronic equip- ment in shielded enclosures, to minimise EMI, (Electro- Magnetic Interference).

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  • user_white U1,10 Mordaunt Circuit
  • user_white Canning Vale, W.A. 6155
  • speech_white Tel. +08 6254 2214
  • mail_whiteinfo(AT)
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